Easteropening hours and a public service announcement...

Easter is upcoming and so I’m posting my opening hours for the next week or so:

Monday 25th March 2024: (Deva Yoga Studio) 08:30-19:00

Tuesday 26th March 2024: RLHIM (NHS patients only)

Wednesday 27th & Thursday 28th March 2024: Closed - teaching for BMAS Foundation Course

Good Friday 29th March 2024: Closed

Saturday 30th March 2024: (Pilates Body Studio) 09:00 - 14:00

Easter Monday 1st April 2024: Closed

Easter traditionally kicks off the gardening and DIY season, and with the clocks also going forwards on Sunday, this comes with my annual words of warning. If you wake up on Good Friday morning and think what a great idea it would be to spend the Bank Holiday weekend putting in a water feature, or re-laying the patio, my advice to you is to stop, sit down with a cuppa, and have a think about what a bad idea that might be. It’s still fairly cold outside and we don’t yet have the long evenings (especially with the clocks changing). You could find yourself out there cold and tired from unaccustomed manual labour, rushing to get it all finished in the half - dark. This is when back injuries happen. I recommend always stopping when you feel like you could do half an hour more, and remember you have the tidying up and packing away to do. No my friends, sit back for a bit, drink that cuppa, think about it, and I guarantee you’ll come to understand your folly. Otherwise, before you know it you’ll be down at Wickes loading bags of sharp sand into the boot of your car, and if you do, you may well be booking yourself in to see me next week. So make sure you pace yourselves, have an ice pack handy and stop well before you need to. Happy Easter! H.

Additional Location!

I am excited to announce I have added a new treatment location from January 2023 although the sharp-eyed amongst you may have already seen that online booking for existing patients already went live for a few dates in December. Please bear with me if there are any teething problems at first where the booking software has been updated.

It’s lovely to have a toe back in my old stomping ground of Bexley village where I worked for 22 years before the pandemic turned all our worlds upside-down. A bit like in ‘The Godfather’, just when you think you have left, they pull you back in, and I am delighted to be invited back to Pilates Body Studio by the owner Genine Price with whom I have run workshops in the past. I’ll be offering treatments from their therapy room 2 days a week which will be great news for my loyal patients who followed me to Chislehurst after I left Bexley in 2020.

Appointments will be available at PBS on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and of course you are welcome to attend treatments at any location which is convenient to you. Just remember to check where you have booked in on your booking confirmation/reminder and don’t turn up at the wrong studio, especially if you change or move your appointment to a different day.

I completed Pilates Instructor training in 2021 to futher inform evidence - led rehabilitative exercise for my patients, and as such I am able to liaise closely with any of your instructors to ensure that you can participate in Pilates classes with confidence if you are coming back from injury or managing a chronic problem. Watch this space for clinical pilates sessions as I complete advanced training in 2023!

It’s all very exciting and I look forward to this collaboration with PBS.

The builders are IN!

The builders are in at Deva Yoga Studio 23/07/2022 - 01/08/2022.

I have a temporary base back with my ex-colleagues at The Chislehurst Clinic - 69 High Street, Chislehurst - next to Sainsbury’s - who have kindly leant me their therapy room during that time to offer some appointments to existing patients. I have updated the ‘Book Online’ page to add a temporary booking facility for that week only. The post code is BR7 5AG if you are looking for directions but you can’t miss the lime green and hot pink signage. Plese note that this building is not step free or wheelchair accessible.

As always, waiting list priority is given to patients with an existing booking, so if there is no availability please book in at Deva and use the additional notes space to leave me a message that you need to be seen sooner - or message me on 07773 818822.

I won’t be taking on any new patients over that time so that I can ensure exisitng patients have priority. There will be some additional decoration work up until 7th August with minor noise and disruption - thankyou for your understanding.

Summer news: Mask update.... and upcoming closures

Mask update: With the removal of the mandatory requirements to wear masks and not isolate for COVID symptoms (for now), I am just reminding everyone that my health and safety and infection control risk assessment for treatments at Deva still require a mask to be worn in the treatment room. This is to balance the risk to me, my patients and other users of the treatment room. A mask will be provided if you forget yours.

Upcoming closures: Deva Yoga Studio has the builders in to add a new treatment room and give the place a new paint job so will fully close 23/07/2022 - 01/08/2022, and partially close for some other days in early August. This will affect the availability of appointments over that 3 weeks and I won’t be taking on any new patients over that time so that I can ensure exisitng patients’ treatment schedules aren’t compromised.

UPDATE - I have a temporary base with my ex-colleagues at The Chislehurst Clinic- 69 High Street, Chislehurst - next to Sainsbury’s - who have kindly leant me their therapy room during that time to offer some appointments to existing patients. I have updated the ‘Book Online’ page to add a temporary booking facility for that week only.

We are excited about the new room as it will enable some additional therapists to join us; however it will reduce the size of our waiting area, so please bear this in mind when attending for an appointment. I would continue to recommend that you don’t arrive early for your appointment in case the waiting area is busy with class members or studio staff.

Change of plan...revised Christmas opening hours

So……I’ve been off isolating after getting a positive PCR test on the routine weekly check I have done for my NHS work. It was a total bolt from the blue, as I am totally asymptomatic, and would not know had I not been tested. I test once a week and never thought anything of it until I woke up to a message from NHS Test+Trace. Worryingly I had done LFT’s both before and after the PCR test which had been negative. I am thankful for the triple/booster I had in October.

Any patient directly affected by this news has already been contacted, but if you are worried please don’t hesitate to call me.

Having had 10 unscheduled days off and needing to rearrange everyone, I have now opened up appointments for existing patients/follow ups on 24th, 29th and 31st December 2021.

The websiite has already been updated with the 2022 fee rise, but I will of course honour any appointment displaced into January at the 2021 rate, if you aren’t able or would prefer to wait until after Christmas.

I am sorry but due to this the priority is getting existing patients seen and I will not be able to put any new patients on the waiting list until the 5th January 2022.

Happy Christmas all,


Christmas opening hours and fees increase for 2022

A short announcement regarding opening hours this Christmas.

The studio will be closed between Christmas and New Year. I will be finishing work on 23rd December 2021 and due to the Bank Holidays my first day back in will be on Wednesday 5th January 2022. The ‘phone will be on answerphone and messages/WhatsApp/email on auto-reply over the two bank holidays. I will be resting my hands and brain and not opening up for treatment. If you need to get urgent treatment I can liaise by pointing you towards other practitioners that may be open and liaising as needed or providing a copy of your notes if required.

December is already very booked up and so I am giving priority to existing patients prior to Christmas and therefore there is a waiting list for New Patients until 5th January. There are just 2 or 3 spaces left - thankyou for being organised with booking your appointments ahead by using the online booking facility where you can browse my diary and see what is available before booking in 24/7.

I wish you all the best for a restful and healthy Christmas, Hilary.

And fees are going up…

I have held my fees for existing patients since 2018 as I know many people found this last 18 months financially hard and uncertain, myself included. The new patient fee went up in September, but unfortunately the inevitable is now upon us with rocketing costs and the self-employed NICS increase, so I do need now to increase all fees across the board from 01/01/2022:

Fees for a Standard follow up appointment - £50.00

Review or Extended follow up appointment - £55.00

New patient/first appointment - £65.00



My professional association continues to advise that osteopathy appointments can continue during lockdown, as can physiotherapy, podiatry and the other regulated allied health professions. Some of my colleagues are shielding, and those of us working are all operating a much reduced and restricted service.


The latest government message is ‘Act as if you have it’, emphasising the risk of asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19. I have done much soul searching about whether to shut down for a few weeks due to the critical pressure on the NHS and emergency services. I have my own sister and beloved friend working as a frontline nurse and paramedic, and the situation is truly grim. I have no desire to add fuel to this.


As you know I am following the most stringent infection control and screening processes that I can muster. Severity of infection is a lottery, whatever your age or state of fitness, and I will not gamble with either my health or that of my patients. I am deeply conscientious so not to act as an unwitting vector in transmission of the virus.


Local government has now opened rapid testing centres for asymptomatic workers continuing to go out to work in the community and I have 2 tests booked this week. Additionally, at the Chislehurst Clinic they are privately purchasing the same testing kits for all the practitioners, so I can be tested there. Obviously I am very aware that the accuracy of these tests is not 100%, but I feel that as it Is available and I can be tested I will, whilst being vigilant as to possible false results.


The results of these tests are made available within a couple of hours of testing, so please check your messages immediately before you leave for an appointment and ensure I have your mobile number if possible to ease communications, in case I find I have to stay at home at short notice.


Demand for treatments is immense at the moment, my ‘phone pings constantly as NHS help is so scarce. Many of you are suffering pain, and I do not wish to curtail your treatment or slow your progress down; others are recovering and have invested significant time, hard-earned money and effort into maintaining their health.  But if you have any concerns about coming in for treatment, and would like to postpone your appointment I will not be offended, in fact I feel this most sensible.  So please do not hesitate to cancel if you are at all worried.


I would like to reiterate please, please, please, be truthful and do not make an appointment if you are meant to be isolating or quarantining, or have had to mix in breach of lockdown rules; this is not meant to be judgmental, sometimes it is inadvertent or due to unavoidable reasons or genuine emergencies. I do appreciate people are in pain, but I can’t take any risks with 45-60 minute close contact appointments indoors, however much sanitiser and PPE we use, and ask that if this has happened that you postpone your appointment.


I will keep everyone posted and if I feel at all concerned that I cannot continue to provide treatments I will let you know. Thankyou everyone. HW


TIER 4 UPDATE: Osteopathy appointments can continue as normal during the tier system, and any national and local lockdowns. You are allowed to travel to and attend healthcare appointments. I am dialled into Public Health England and my professional body as regards any changes in this advice.

Additional to the current regime of spacing of appointments for ventilatiion, sanitising and PPE changes, extra ventilation breaks have been scheduled. Appointments booked this week can go ahead, however I completely understand if anyone wants to postpone their appointment until safer times. Telephone or video appointments can be substituted for any routine progressions to exercises.

I will continue to do my best to help those in pain and in need of treatment where I can, and am grateful for the opportunity to continue working when others can’t, albeit at reduced capacity.

All the best, Hilary.


Further to the news of this month's lockdown, appointments such as osteopathy and physiotherapy with a registered allied health professional are allowed to continue in England under the emergency powers legislation enacted by the Government. So for now I can continue to see all patients booked in for treatments, as well as accept new appointments.

Deva Yoga Studio will be temporarily closing to classes from Thursday, but myself and Lisa O'Hara the CSP physiotherapist will be working, keeping the seats warm and the studio spit-spot, subject to any new directives from our regulators, professional associations, and Public Health England.

With the classes suspended fewer people will be passing through the building. Enhanced cleaning and strict infection control measures, masks and PPE all remain in place. (Please call me to discuss treatment options if you are genuinely mask exempt). I realise that this is an anxious time for many. If you are at all worried about attending for an appointment or are resuming shielding for either yourself or someone that you live with or care for, I can of course arrange a telephone or video appointment followed up with email advice and exercises to tide you over as best I can until you feel it is a safer time.

I will do my best to continue operating as safely as I can, and if it becomes at all unable to do so will let you know. I won't spam you, but will email and SMS any imperative service updates directly to patients as I have done today. On that note please review your communication preferences and let me know if you wish to update your electronic communication instructions and email/mobile details if these have changed.

If you use social media I will remain active with updates and more exciting stuff on FaceBook and Instagram, occasional tweets on the Twitter, and will of course keep my website updated if you want to keep up with other non-essential developments.

Deva have transitioned their classes to Zoom again - check out the timetable and continue to support them if you can. I am extremely grateful to be able to continue working and wish you all the best with your own arrangements.

Best wishes, Hilary.

Wow, that got busy! Online bookings reopens at Deva Yoga Studio

Wow, that got busy!

Good news, I have now opened up online bookings for patients who have had their post-lockdown telephone triage with me. If I have cleared you for face-to-face appointments and have given you the green light and said can you book an appointment at Deva Yoga Studio, you can now do so by browsing my diary online. This will save us from playing ping pong over availability, days and dates, so if you want to scroll and book, you can go ahead.

Your booking email/reminder will of course contain the pre-appointment COVID-19 screening form to fill in and send back to me, which you must do before every appointment. As well as thinking about yourself, please remember to consider other members of your household or those you care for who may be shielding when filling in your screening checklist.

I am holding some appointment slots back to avoid double booking so if you don’t see a time that suits you, email or text me with a specific time/date and I will book you in.

If you haven’t got in contact yet - please do so! Head over to the Contact & Book page https://www.hilarywhitaker.com/ where there is a secure ‘contact me’ form you can fill in and submit which comes through to me in seconds. Or you can book a ‘phone call. Or do it the old fashioned way and just pick up the ‘phone and call me - 020 8468 1319 or M/WhatsApp 07773 818822.

The Only Way Is Chislehurst!

I am so happy to busy back at work in Chislehurst at Deva Yoga Studio and The Chislehurst Clinic after 2 months.

Appointments are available with me at Deva Yoga Studio and The Chislehurst Clinic.  Online booking is suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic - please contact me by 'phone or email if you need an appointment. Specific screening and hygiene/distancing procedures are in place to implement Public Health England guidelines (as directed by our professional associations) Osteopaths are allowed to do face-to-face consultations, but I can also offer you online appointments if you are at all worried about coming in. Initially you cannot book a visit - I am first required to assess and assist you by telephone or online/video call.

Please ensure you have emailed me a current telephone number (in case it has changed from your digital records) and I will give you a call back. At Deva Yoga Studio I manage my own diary, and at The Chislehurst Clinic reception staff are still furloughed, but I can arrange an appointment staggered around the other practitioners. Both clinics have stringent hygiene procedures in place as well as PPE for both you and myself, in order to see you under the guidelines within which we have to operate for your safety. For more information on this please see the video on my Homepage or FaceBook page.

Now to some sad news: To all my patients of Bexley Osteopathic Clinic: sadly I am not returning to the clinic as lockdown is eased and the clinic reopens.

I am very sad not to be coming back to share in the ongoing treatment and care of my many loyal patients after nearly 20 years of service at the clinic, but to comply with GDPR regulations that protect your data I  am not allowed to contact you individually as your treatment notes and all contact details are under the control of the clinic and remain with them. You can of course obtain a copy of your file notes via a Subject Access Request to them. See https://ico.org.uk/your-data-matters/your-right-to-get-copies-of-your-data/

I am sorry I have been unable to reach out let you know of this change in your care. I realise this is an anxious time for many people. I have wonderful and skilled colleagues at the clinic if you decide that you want stay on to continue your treatment at Bexley Osteopathic Clinic.

In love and health,

Hilary x

Reopening - No news yet.

Thanks to everyone for your support and interest in getting treatment.

Just to confirm that nothing has yet changed - we are still awaiting for updated guidance from Public Health England and our professional association.

All the clinics are still closed at present, with no date yet set for reopening. Please bear with us as we work out how we can keep both you and ourselves as safe as possible during treatments, where we are working in close proximity to you for an extended period of time in an enclosed space.

Currently I can only open the treatment room at Deva Yoga Studio for acute emergencies (subject to strict medical triage, PPE and enhanced hygiene protocols). See the last post for more information.

If you are tired of scrolling through your devices or checking on social media, and want to have my news hot-off-the-press straight to your Inbox, including important updates concerning reopening, please subscribe to my email (fill in the form on the home page if you missed or dismissed the pop-up).

Continue to get in contact if needed - you are not disturbing me! All the best - HW

COVID-19/Coronavirus - Clinic closures. Stay Home.

Whilst the stay-at-home advice by the Government is in place, all the clinics that I work at are closed until further notice. I will be staying indoors just like everyone else, I have well controlled asthma but am taking the advice very seriously. Its a numbers game - every time we go out we put ourselves and those who live with us at risk. You can be fit as a flea for 14 days, being especially contagious on the day before you feel at all unwell. Whilst it may be a question of ‘when’ rather than ‘if’ we catch it, at the moment if we can help slow down the spread so that our NHS can cope until testing is more widely available, that is the best we can all do.

If you are a patient in desperate need I can offer telephone, Skype, or FaceTime advice, or more formally an assessment via videocall, where I can offer advice and any self-help measures and suggest the right exercises. Equally if you are a patient who was in the beginning or middle of treatment when lockdown was announced, and had your appointment cancelled, get in touch to discuss what extra things you should now be doing to manage your own recovery.

Sometimes just knowing what you should and shouldn’t be doing can relieve symptoms until hands - on help can be given. Everyone seems to be an expert and all the contradictory advice on the Internet can be more confusing. I have already helped a vulnerable patient with Parkinson’s Disease in this way, and several patients with acute back strains, and it works very well.

***Update 26 April 2020: Should it be absolutely necessary to see you, within the appropriate guidelines, I can see you face-to-face at Deva Yoga Studio and have PPE and the appropriate hygiene protocols in place.***

For this you need to first book a video call for triage. Cliniko, my clinic software has bought in secure telehealth appointments and secure online payment by card, especially for the pandemic.

For more information head over to the Contact & Book page.

I look forward to helping you the best I can.

COVID-19/ Coronavirus

Covid-19 / Coronavirus: Please be Coronavirus aware and rearrange your appointment if you have a fever, cough shortness of breath or have recently returned from any of the government specified high risk countries. Even if you have only mild symptoms. This is in line with Public Health England guidance and to minimise risk to myself who is asthmatic and to my  elderly and immuno-suppressed patients. Please see Public Health England for more information: https://bit.ly/3axbNPc

Keep calm but stay vigilant!



David Tilston Movement comes to Deva Yoga on 1st February 2020

I’m delighted that I’ve got David Tilston of David Tilston Movement and The Natural Edge coming to teach his unique mix of primal movement, yoga flow, body weight exercise, partner work, breath work and - phew- some handstands to finish - in a 4-hour workshop on Saturday 1st February 2020.

Check out https://www.davidtilstonmovement.com or become one of his 13,000 followers on Instagram for truly inspiring stuff made achievable through dedication to daily practice and continual learning. He is also now collaborating with The Natural Edge https://thenaturaledge.com as their professional health coach, which is sure to be a fantastic alliance.

News: Book online!

You can now book online for appointments - head over to the Contact & Book page to book, or just lurk and surf my availability.

You can book onlline up to 18 hours before; after that I take appointments offline, so if you want an immediate on-day or tomorrow appointment please don’t give up, but phone or text.

Appointments are available at other times/days but please ‘phone or text me to arrange - 020 8468 1319 or 07773 818822.